about THE BOOK

The Fight for My Life is for people to pick up at 3 am when they wake up in a panic—to give them hope that tomorrow is going to be okay. My book offers a belief, a hope and a plan that people don’t have to adapt to a tough situation, they can make the situation adapt to them.

I understand firsthand how an unexpected circumstance can take a toll on someone. I was blindsided by a cancer diagnosis and pushed to the brink where my life felt threatened by defeat. Ultimately, I was dragged into a fight I wasn’t prepared for.  

But instead of shrinking and surrendering to my situation, I put together a plan and approach to continue my business and keep a strong mental and physical wellbeing.

And so I wanted to write the book I wished I would have had when I got diagnosed.

My book will help you get the right approach, get good people in your corner and get the principles you need to get mentally, physically and spiritually fit enough to take on your threatening new enemy.

Buy your copy of The Fight for my life: boxing through chemo so you can stop feeling terrified and unsteady in your new found circumstance and start finding the hope to carry on and thrive.
